车迷必看的15个电影(5) ---- Smokey and the Bandit (1977) (featuring Pontiac Trans Am)

这是本人最爱的一部喜剧,情节简单,故事诙谐,音乐优美,在轻松愉快中上演了一幕幕追逐的大戏。电影中主打的是一部70年代产的Pontiac Trans Am,很带劲儿,深受众多“红脖梗”老美的喜爱。这一部车迷们必看的电影!影片中的音乐CD是我开车旅行的必备之物 (you will know what I am talking about after you hear it)。后来电影又出了续集,也是很好看。

This clip is currently posted on youtube by someone else, and embedded in this blog using the code provided on youtube. If you prefer to watching it on youtube directly, please click this link.

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